Welcome to my website.

Where I upload the best of my Photography, where you can watch the British Power Grid, and where you can play my Racing Game, Tank Game and Train Game.

With more projects coming in the future.

5.6+ Million Total Visits

With 528 Thousand Visits in January 2025

Thank you for visiting my websites.

Ethan's Photo Gallery

This is my photos website where I upload the best of my photography.

I have a variety of photos to look at, from lakes to trees, trains to castles, I am sure that there will be photos that you will find interesting to view.

Visit the Photo Gallery

Ethan's Grid Watcher

This is my grid watcher website, where you can view Great Britain's electrical generation and demand.

Development started in 2024. The website is still under development, and things will likely change in the future.

Visit the Grid Watcher

Ethan's Racing Game

Ethan's racing game is a Single Player Game with AI Opponents and a MultiPlayer Game with Online Servers.

Development started in 2018. The game currently only has a single test track which is used for both single and multiplayer game modes.

Visit the Ethan's Racing Game website Play the website version of the game Get the game on the google play store

Ethan's Tank Game

Ethan's Tank Game is a MultiPlayer tank game with 80's synthwave/retrowave styling, with a large collection of interesting maps and gamemodes to explore and play.

Development started in 2020.

Visit the Ethan's Tank Game website

5 Game Modes

Free For All, Capture The Flag, Capture The Power, Team Death Match, Respawn Wars.

5 Game Maps

Castle Ruins, Fortress Of Destruction, Castles Of Horror, Tunnel Madness, Mansion Mayhem.

Ethan's Train Game

Prototype Demo now available to play.

Development started in 2023.

Visit the Ethan's Train Game website